Web based App . 2018

Insurance Sales Force Platform

The Project

An internal system for an insurance company’s sales force. This platform enables agent to generates insurance quotes, check on insurance products and insurance application. We spend around 4 months redesign the platform, completed design for the 7 system sections and built specs for all components.

Platform Redesign

The Insurance company turned to us for an of-the-moment visual solution since the current style had become outdated, inconvenient and not only there is a trend of higher development cost and time for the platform but also to avoid the inconsistency between the platform and the insurance company core system.

We also modified and redesign some of the user flow in order to make the user experience smoother.

It’s a breeze to assemble new pages from blocks and components.

Creation of a
design system

Our final flourish was transforming models to engineers. We work closely with the project team and insurance agents of the insurance company to collect specs and outlined all products scenarios for adding elements and blocks for new pages. We also had conducted usability testing with the insurance agents to ensure the usability of the platform is at the best.

User Interface design, User experience design