RWD Website . 2018

TransGlobe Life Insurance Website

The Project

Redesign work for TransGlobe Life Insurance, a Taiwan company which boast over a hundred years of Life insurance experience servicing local customers in Taiwan. Our challange was to derive elements from their brand new corporate identity and design website that could improve user experience at the same time strengthen brand continuity online and offline.

Launched Site

is everything

We targeted on three main users that would use the website: the potential customers, prospect and insurance sales agent. With creating the users personas and journey map, we understand and address users need and pain points. We redesign the web structure as well as the site architecture to be more efficient and improving the navigation allowing the user to access to whichever function or content more easily.

Usability testing was conducted among users using higher fidelity prototype. Based on the findings we made some adjustment prioritised by user value and business value. These changes have driven an increase in user engagement.

Design and Develop

We worked to evolve and modernise TransGlobe Life Insurance website experience. We extracted elements from the brand new cooperate identity and built a full UI kit including typography, and specs for all components in order to enforce the consistency of digital experience.

As this is a CMS based website, stakeholders were allowed to customise and edit the contents or even the layout of pages with well-designed templates. Our challenges was having to consider about the content flexibility and creating reusable design components to maintain a cohesive look throughout the website while still providing users with options.

At last, we managed to find the right balance between creativity and flexibility that works best for needs of the website. With the new design website, website leads have increased and users are interacting with the proper features to grow sales.

Mobile friendly design for a seamless experience for the end user.
User Interface design, User experience design
Emma Lin - Design lead, Yini Hsieh - QA, Peggy Tsai - PM